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my heart is a chainsaw cover

My Heart is a Chainsaw: A Novel

Book One  in "The Indian Lake Triology" You won't find a more hardcore eighties slasher-film fan than high school senior Jade Daniels.  And you won't find a place less supportive of girls who wear torn T-shirts and too much eyeliner than...
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Book: Sacred City

Book: Sacred City

From the author of Sacred Smokes! Chicago: home to urban Indians and immigrants and working folks and the whole gamut of people getting by in a world that doesn't care whether they do so or not. Sacred City is an incomparable follow-up to...
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children's blizzard front cover (p.s edition)

Book: The Children's Blizzard

“David Laskin deploys historical fact of the finest grain to tell the story of a monstrous blizzard that caught the settlers of the Great Plains utterly by surprise. . . . This is a book best read with a fire roaring in the hearth and a blanket and...
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the only good indians cover

The Only Good Indians - A Novel

Seamlessly blending classic horror and a dramatic narrative with sharp social commentary, The Only Good Indians follows four American Indian men after a disturbing event from their youth puts them in a desperate struggle for their lives. Tracked by an...
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