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Lead Plant

Lead Plant

Lead Plant: Amorha Canescens, Zitkatacan (The Bird's Wood or The Bird's Tree) This is a very common and low-growing shrubby plant in the prairie grasslands. The dried leaves were brewed into a tea, and could also be mixed with fat and added to smoking...
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Tea: Cough & Congestion

Tea: Cough & Congestion

Cough & Congestion Tea Respectfully wildcrafted. Coltsfoot Leaf (Tussilago farfara) - used for lung problems such as bronchitis or asthma.Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza) - used as a mild laxative.Mullein (Verbascum) - used to help thin mucus and reduce...
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Tea: Mullein

Tea: Mullein

Mullein Tea: Verbascum Respectfully wildcrafted. Historically used to help thin mucus and reduce chest congestion and to make coughs more productive. To enjoy, pour 6 oz. of boiling water over 1 tsp of tea. Steep 3 -5 minutes, strain and serve...
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Tea: Chamomile

Tea: Chamomile

Chamomile Tea: Matricaria chamomilla Respectfully wildcrafted. Historically used to calm nerves, prevent nightmares, stimulate appetite and to ease headaches. To enjoy, pour 6 oz. of boiling water over 1 tsp of tea. Steep 3 -5 minutes, strain and...
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Sweet Dried Corn 2 oz. pkg

Sweet Dried Corn 2 oz. pkg

For generations, corn has been used for many traditional dishes all across Indian Country. Also known as Zea Mays and Wagmeza.In historic times, corn was not grown much by the nomadic Lakota people, but was an important trade item, especially from the...
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Wooden Offering Bowls

Wooden Offering Bowls

$9.00 - $17.00
The wood comes from a fast-growing, non-endangered acacia species legally harvested from privately owned lands under strict permits regulated by local governmental agencies. Designed in Hawaii and made in the Philippines. The larger ones are especially...
Tea: Relaxing Herbal Blend

Tea: Relaxing Herbal Blend

A subtle, apple-like flavor of chamomile quickly gives way to the robust, full-bodied flavor of raspberry leaf ending with the clean, refreshing flavor of peppermint.To enjoy, pour 6 ounces of boiling water over 2 tsp of tea. Steep 3 to 5 minutes, serve...
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Wild Rice

Wild Rice

100% Minnesota Cultivated Wild Rice. All natural, Indian grown and Indian harvested from the Red Lake Band of the Chippewa. This 6 ounce bag of wild rice yields 4 servings and also comes with easy or basic cooking instructions.The Red Lake Band of...
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Tea: Red Raspberry Leaf

Tea: Red Raspberry Leaf

genus name: Rubus Idaeus This product is used to make flavorful, tangy tea and is often combined with other tea herbs to give the beverages a more robust flavor.Red Raspberry leaves contain tannins that give it an astringent flavor and make is a...
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Tea: Seedless Rosehips

Tea: Seedless Rosehips

genus: Rosa Canina Seedless Rosehips are great for herbal teas, jam, jelly, syrup, beverages, pies, bread, wine and marmalade.This can even be used for fragrances and crafts. To use as a tea, per 8 oz. boiling water, add 1 tsp herb. Cover and steep 3 to...
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Tea: Rooibos

Tea: Rooibos

genus name: Aspalathus Linearis This tea is a mild, reddish brown tea with a smooth, fruity floral, slightly sweet and nutty tea-like flavor that requires no sweetening.Naturally caffeine free, it makes an ideal evening brew. To enjoy, pour 6 ounces of...
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Tea: Warming Crimson Berry

Tea: Warming Crimson Berry

This spicy herbal tea blends hibiscus and cranberries with a little bit of heat from chilies and cayenne.To enjoy, pour 6 ounces of boiling water over 1 tsp of tea. Steep 3 to 5 minutes, strain and serve immediately. Hibiscus may be intercropped with...
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Wild Peppermint "Ceyaka"

Wild Peppermint "Ceyaka"

If you've ever had a stomach ache you may have tried peppermint tea as a way to soothe the tummy. This wild crafted peppermint plant has been gathered for it's medicinal purposes for thousands of years by local Native American tribes. Considered the...
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