Good question, here are some facts about American Indian participation in Wars for the United States;1917: World War I - When the U.S. entered the war, about 17,000 Indians served in the armed forces.
A Book Review by: Donovin SpragueBy Lakota Language Consortium. 2010.This is a Level 2 Lakota Language Textbook in a series of Lakota language resource materials. It is an excellent resource book wit
Beadwork Techniques of the Native AmericansBy: Scott Sutton. Crazy Crow Trading Post 2008.This book shows techniques of four styles of beadwork including loom, two needle applique’, peyote or gourd s
We are mindful of this year’s “Earth Day” with this quote from a famous speech from Chief Seattle:"How Can One Sell the Air?""Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle
This new book is an update on the scientific findings of archaeological and forensic studies at the site of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Douglas Scott has previous publications and field study a
Three more weeks of shopping, decorating, holiday treat preparations and then the final day when presents are opened, exciting and fun is the way we would describe this years Holiday Season!Stop in an
Saturday, December 7th is an exciting day for us, we are having our very own Prairie Edge Hometown Event starting at 11:00 am through 3 pm.Some of our special visitors will be:Authors:Virginia Driving
There are so many events happening here in our historical downtown. Here are some of the highlights.There is A Christmas Tree going up on Tuesday, November 19th in the Square. For those folks who ha
Pendleton apparel is now available at Prairie Edge. To further celebrate Native American Heritage Month, Prairie Edge is carrying clothing that is steeped in the history and culture of the Native Ame
November is Native American Heritage Month, here at the store we celebrate
Native culture and heritage everyday. But this month we would also like to remind folks that part of our heritage
Hi everyone, hope you are having a healthy and prosperous summer so far, we have been enjoying the rains and all around us nature is providing some much needed botanicals like sage, sweet grass and ti
Glass has been around for the millennia and can be found at some of the most ancient burial sites. There are some who believe the Egyptians invented glass but more recent digs in China have revealed t