Good Afternoon Family & Friends: Did you know that our home state of South Dakota was the first state to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day? It was an important step forward, on the State'
Hello friends and family!
We have another great #book #review to share with you all today. Brittany Davila has the scoop on the book “WHEN
The DAKOTA TERRITORY has been out of print for many years
and is now reissued through North Dakota State University. The introduction of
DAKOTA TERRITORY gives a detailed synopsis of the Territorial
Hello family and friends!
We have another great #book #review ready for you today. Anita Comeau has the scoop on the novel “The
Only Good Indians” by Stephen Graham Jones.
Enjoy!If you are looki
For today’s book
review, we have a guest reviewer with us, Amanda Takes War Bonnett, that has
the scoop on the book “All Guns Fired at One Time: Native Voices of Wounded
Knee, 1890” by Jerome Green
I am starting this review with a quote from Elizabeth
Cook-Lynn and her book Anti-Indianism in Modern America. She said “The stories
of the Ghost Dance ceremonial, as frenzied acts of a crazed India
WHY WE SERVE is a new publication from the National Native American Veterans Memorial at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. and chronicles American Indian service to the Un
A Book Review by Brittany:This book has to be one of the most interesting books I’ve read in a long time. The author of this particular book, Ernie LaPointe is a lineal descent and a great-grands
Tinpsila, or Timpsila, is an ancient food source that can be found on the Great Plains on North America.For thousands of years, the People of the Plains harvested this important plant. It can be prepa
A Pow Wow is a fun, family friendly event that is open to the public. Expect to see dancers dressed in beautiful regalia, to hear powerful drums, and to learn about cultures that span this continent w
Pow Wow's are open to the public and we invite everyone to view and participate in this unique cultural event. Some Pow Wow's are large and some are very small, but the etiquette is pretty much the sa
December 28, 1890. On this date, Chief Bigfoot of the Miniconjou and his small band, attempted to reach the safety of friends and relatives at the Pine Ridge Agency at the invitation of Chief Red Clou