January 24th - We are hosting Wi Ma Hiya Second CD Release Party, starting at 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm.This Hand Game group of singers and players are introducing a whole new album of songs, meant to dis
"I have a dream, my four little children will on day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!"~Martin Luth
Happy New Year everyone!We have some really great work from our multi talented artists and this piece is exceptional. Over the years, we have learned to listen to the artist when they bring in a piece
Winter Hours:Prairie Edge and the Sioux Trading Post are entering into their winter hours. We will be closing early on:December 24th - 9:00 am - 3:00 pmDecember 31st - 9:00 am - 5:00 pmWe are closed o
This year, our Fine ArtGallery director collected original artwork from local and regional artists. These special pieces sell for $200.00 and under which helps to make gift giving a little easier on t
You just want to yell "Let's get ready to rumble" but that may be a bit much for a kids tournament. Prairie Edge and the Sioux Trading Post are proud sponsors of the Lakota Nation Invitational. This y
At Black Hills State University one of the classes I teach is Traditional Lakota Arts which includes learning basic techniques of beadwork, quillwork, and featherwork. If you are involved in the arts
In 2010, American Express founded Small Business Saturday to help businesses with their most pressing need - getting more customers. The day encourages people to shop at small businesses on the Saturd
You can see and feel the Pendleton passion for quality. See it in the intricate patterns of blankets inspired by Native American designs and legends.~Pendleton Woolen MillsThe mill, originally built i
November has been named "National American Indian Heritage Month" since 1990 and has been renewed every year since 1994 by a presidential proclamation. Our country has come together to recognize the F
This month we are excited to celebrate Native American Day here in the great state of South Dakota. In 1989, the South Dakota legislature unanimously passed legislation proposed by Governor George S.
Hi All;August is a busy month for us and from a historical perspective it has had many events that have shaped the way we live today, for instance, on August 1, 1758 the first Indian reservation in No