125 Years Later: Wounded Knee. Today marks the 125th Anniversary of the Wounded Knee massacre (December 29, 1890). Old and young, men, women and children were killed without mercy. Some say it was rev
Every year I think this out loud "Let's get ready to rumble!", which is a bit much for a kids tournament event but the excitement is still the same, good games, great sportsmanship, the best competiti
Aww December, for retailers (and that includes the Sioux Trading Post) it is the big event of the season, for the rest of us it is about planning for family and friends to visit and gift giving, meal
Who could have predicted that 25 years later, folks would still have fond memories of their participation in the making of the movie Dances With Wolves.Produced, directed and starring Kevin Costner, i
240 Years and counting!On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia passed a resolution stating that "two Battalions of Marines be raised" for service as landing force
It is with a real mixture of sadness and joy for the Sioux Trading Post and Prairie Edge that we have to say farewell to a long-time employee and friend Michael Lekberg. Michael has decided that
November has been named "National American Indian Heritage Month" since 1990 and has been renewed every year since 1994 by a presidential proclamation. Our country has come together to recognize the F
It is with an extremely sad heart that I have to announce the passing of longtime friend and artist Charles Fast Horse Sr. Charles has been a part of Prairie Edge as long as there has been a Prairie E
This month we are excited to celebrate Native American Day here in the great state of South Dakota. In 1989, the South Dakota legislature unanimously passed legislation proposed by Governor George S.
On October 9th, from 5-7pm, Prairie Edge will be hosting a final artist reception for this well known author and illustrator.Paul Goble has spent his life learning and sharing Native American stories
We've searched long and hard to come up with a good source for red willow bark, our local harvest did not pan out as the freeze did not work out for us. So, we received samples from various sources an
Hello everyone: For about 10 days we were without sweetgrass and then our friends from Cree country came through with our yearly shipment.This years harvest was harder than before as the current west