Italian Glass Beads: Now Available!

Glass has been around for the millennia and can be found at some of the most ancient burial sites. There are some who believe the Egyptians invented glass but more recent digs in China have revealed t …
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Veterans Day 2012

November 11, 2012 is a day we set aside, as a Nation, to honor our Veterans. They deserve our respect and admiration for the bravery they showed on our behalf. We would not be here, writing this blo …
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Buffalo Hunting

We also get asked quite often what was the best way to hunt buffalo. A lot of the Hollywood movies that show the warriors riding gallantly along side the herds and taking down numerous buffalo in one …
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What is the Importance of the Buffalo?

A question we get asked a lot in the Gallery is what the importance the buffalo was to the Lakota people.In general, everything came from the Buffalo Nation. Buffalo hides provided clothing and shelte …
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Introducing Native Artist Marty Cuny

We are proud to welcome Oglala Lakota artist Marty Cuny to our Native Gallery!Personally, I am very excited to have Marty’s work in the gallery. His experience and emotion shines through in the incred …
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Battle of Little Bighorn Books

This post was written by Dan Tribby, General Manager of Prairie Edge.We are excited about adding a new "Battle of Little Bighorn" addition to our online bookstore. There has always been such a great a …
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The Legend of the Lakota Warrior

Wisdom, Fortitude, Generosity, Bravery…these are the virtues of a Lakota warrior. These are the very characteristics that have made the mystique of the Lakota warrior legendary, even today.From storie …
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The Stories of Native American Women

While the role of Lakota men has been documented in stories, paintings, and songs, one must ask “What about the women?"What was their role?If they were not on the buffalo hunts and war parties, what w …
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