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Book: Sitting Bull

Book: Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull's name is still the best known of any American Indian leader, but his life and legacy have been shrouded with misinformation and half-truths. In Sitting Bull, Bill Yenne follows the history of this remarkable man from his headstrong youth...
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Book - Sitting Bull: Prisoner of War

Book - Sitting Bull: Prisoner of War

After Sitting Bull's surrender at Fort Buford in what is now North Dakota in 1881, the United States Army transported the chief and his followers down the Missouri River to Fort Randall, roughly seventy miles west of Yankton. The famed Hunkpapa leader...
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Gall - Lakota War Chief: Book

Gall - Lakota War Chief: Book

Called the "Fighting Cock of the Sioux" by U.S. soldiers, Hunkpapa warrior Gall was a great Lakota chief who, along with Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, resisted efforts by the U.S. government to annex the Black Hills.It was Gall, enraged by the slaughter...
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