How to Smudge with Prairie Sage

When smudging with sage, you may be familiar with the larger smudge sticks (bundles of dried sage) that are commonly used…but Michael, manager of our Sioux Trading Post knows a different (and some …
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Native American Sacred Herb: Flat Cedar

Known as hanté blaska to the Lakota, Flat Cedar is a sacred herb often used in ceremony and during times of prayer…and, according to ancient legend, this dried herb is also a favorite of enigmatic Thu …
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The Natural Scents of Pow Wow

Light, fragrant smelling herbs and essential oils are often used by dancers and guests during Pow Wow as scented sachets or oils as a natural perfume. They help many Pow Wow dancers and guests "stay f …
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Native American Herbs: Love Medicine

The Native American herb Wah'pe was'temna (also known as Sweet Leaf) is recognized as a powerful love medicine by many Plains Indian tribes - it was (and still is) used to inspire love and was a favor …
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Native American Herb: Red Willow Bark

Known as "Cansasa" to the Lakota, Red Willow Bark is a spiritually important herb within the Native American culture. It is often used during times of ceremony to show respect or give spiritual protec …
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