Story of Lakota Ceremonial Masks

Donald Montileaux's latest series of work explores the idea of a protective masks. They were inspired by his friend Dakotah Hollow Horn Bear's story about a Lakota ceremony:A long time ago, prior to t …
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The Heartbeat of the Drum

The other day I was searching through our archives and came across an amazing story about the power of the drum and the unmistakable beauty of its voice.This essay was written by our Native Gallery Di …
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A Thanksgiving Message

I recently had to explain to a nice fellow from Switzerland the meaning of Thanksgiving here in the US. It was interesting to explain this...The simplest & easiest way to explain the origins of Thanks …
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Veteran's Day: A Day to Honor our Veterans

November 11, 2011 is a day we honor our Veterans as a Nation. This important group of people makes it possible for this blog to exist, our freedoms to be enjoyed on a daily basis, and our freedom to c …
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Celebrating American Indian Heritage Month

November is National American Indian Heritage Month, which gives us the great opportunity to celebrate, remember, and honor the many contributions and rich ancestry of the Native American culture.Here …
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Kevin Fast Horse: Why I Do This

In this final take with artist Kevin Fast Horse during our series, he talks about his love of and enthusiasm for what he does, how amazing it feels when others appreciate what he does...and answers …
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Revitalizing the Lakota Language

At its core, language is a basic vehicle for communication used by a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition…and in the case of Nativ …
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The Native American Art of Horse Masking

"The horse is an icon of Plains Indian culture - an indispensable companion in times of peace, and a fearless ally in times of war". - from the book, A Song for the Horse NationUpon the introduction …
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