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Wildflowers of the Black Hills (book)

Wildflowers of the Black Hills (book)

This book is intended as an easy-to-use field guide for the wildflower enthusiast with little or no formal botanical training.  Thus, technical terminology has been limited.  The wildflowers included in this guide represent some of the more...
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The Huckleberry Book

The Huckleberry Book

Here it is, the final word on the most sought-after wild fruit in the mountain west, the tangy berry that makes its domestic cousin, the blueberry, seem like bland stuff. This wildly popular book features 37 delectable recipes from cakes to champagne...
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new american herbal book

Book: The New American Herbal

With more than 900 entries, each accompanied by brand new photography and helpful growing advice, The New American Herbal takes the study of herbs to an exciting new level. Orr covers the entire spectrum of herbaceous plants, from culinary to...
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