Flat Cedar - frank review
Frankly speaking this Flat Cedar is very good. I'm grateful for Prairie Edge to offer these herbal medicines and scared plants. I use the Flat Cedar to smudge home inside and out and share the cedar with friends / family.
Thuja occidentalis Flat Cedar (known as hante blaska in Lakota) is the preferred type of cedar to burn as a purifying incense.
Although not native to the Black Hills, this particular type of cedar has the sweetest aroma and is preferred for use during Native American ceremony and in prayer.
This pleasant smelling herb is also a favorite of the legendary Thunder Beings.
Package comes in 2 oz package
Frankly speaking this Flat Cedar is very good. I'm grateful for Prairie Edge to offer these herbal medicines and scared plants. I use the Flat Cedar to smudge home inside and out and share the cedar with friends / family.
So pleased to see this in stock! Added it as part of a smudging collection as a gift to friends. Beautiful!