Lavender Oil 1/2 Ounce

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Lavender belongs to the family of plant known as Lavandula. 

This is an essential oil. The plant was brought to this continent from Europe hundreds of years ago. It has really found a place here as it’s scent has a calming and cleansing effect. Some local individuals who run sweat lodges have developed a fondness for this ancient herb and use it during the course of the ceremony.

1/2 ounce vial


Reviews (1)

Nicoline Aug 2nd 2020

Phenomenal Quality

This lavender oil is the best i've ever owned. I use it to help me fall asleep at night by dabbing a little bit onto my pillow and also by mixing it into a homemade foot lotion. You have the highest concentration of pores on the bottoms of your feet.. so giving yourself a foot massage with this stuff will knock you out immediately. Definitely recommend getting this.

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