Book - Our Stories Remember: American Indian History, Culture and Values Through Storytelling

Joseph Bruchac
Publication Details:
Fulcrum Publishing; 1 edition (December 20, 2016)
Book Details:
Soft Cover, 194 pages
Current stock: 0


Through his retelling of traditional Native American stories, Joseph Bruchac offers readers a rich mix of American Indian history, culture and values.

A diverse range of Native groups is included - Tlingit, Navajo, Cree, Abenaki, Yupik, Seminole, Sioux, Cherokee and many more - with questions asked and answered such as:
* What do the ancient stories mean?
* How do the Indians define themselves?
* What are the Native attitudes toward life and death?
* What was the impact of the coming of the Europeans?
* How do Native Americans relate to the natural world?
* How do traditional stories sustain tribal American peoples even today?

Our Stories Remember is an illuminating look t Native origins and lifeways, a treasure for all who value Native wisdom and the stories that keep it alive.

Book Review by Brittany:  She said "I really enjoyed reading this book", here is what she had to say about it...

Our Stories Remember: American Indian History, Culture and Values through Storytelling by Joseph Bruchac is a great book that emphasizes the power and significance of story telling.

For instance, Native America is made up of many cultures. As a result, there isn't just one history of the American Indian but in fact there are countless histories. These particular histories are not stagnant, but are actually growing and changing which adds new layers of growth, like rings on a great tree.

Moreover, stories were and still remain important, posing as vital tools for teaching lessons in strength as well as the values and traditions of both the young and old. This storytelling practice allows the people to understand what was, what is and what could be on this path - this journey that we call life!



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Additional Info

Joseph Bruchac
Publication Details:
Fulcrum Publishing; 1 edition (December 20, 2016)
Book Details:
Soft Cover, 194 pages

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