Himalayan Salt Lamps, What is the big deal?

Himalayan Salt Lamps, What is the big deal? Well, let us tell you a little something about them. It is described as adding to your environment some fresh air, helping to cleanse the air you breath of dust, pollen, cigarette smoke and other contaminants.

They give off a soft glow and as they warm up, they absorb pollutants from the air and emit clean particles into your air. Each lamp has a weight and the weight will correspond with your room size. Easy to use, just plug in and let it do the job of cleansing your area.

From the Himalayan Salt mines in the Himalayans.

Available now at Prairie Edge and the Sioux Trading Post.

Call us with questions and availability at 800-541-2388 or e-mail karisa@prairieedge.com