Dr. Zimiga Speaks 2
Who is Dr. Zimiga?: …..Dr. Arthur W. Zimiga is a member of the Oglala Lakota Teton Nation and is an experienced educator with over 30 years in education and business. He has a master’s and doctorate degree in education from Harvard University. Dr. Zimiga has also taught at several universities such as: the University of South Dakota, Oglala Lakota College, Harvard University, and the University of California. Moreover, he has taught and participated in several workshops with his extensive background in indigenous, but especially Lakota culture.
Description of 2nd video: In the second video, it shares Dr. Zimiga’s findings in regards to the sequencing of storytelling by Kingsley M. Bray’s book “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life” in more detail when it comes to characters, problems, and outcomes within the setting of the book.
of 2nd Video:
(off camera): What are we going to talk about today
Dr. Zimiga?
Dr. Zimiga: Well…it seems that it’s been awhile since we last did this and history in itself is changing and we’ve selected a book by Kingsley M. Bray: Crazy Horse a Life. Now Kingsley is from England.
Anita (off camera): Ok now take it away…take the book down ‘cus we can’t see your face.
Dr. Zimiga:The book “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life” and what it indicates is that it becomes stagnated in a period of time. It’s like a photograph, we don’t really know what happened before Kingsley’s narrative of Crazy Horse or what happens after the period, the demise of this individual as a Lakota, of Crazy Horse. So why that’s why we want to look at that. And so in doing that, we want to do it in little subject sequences and the ones that I thought would be a good outcome was developing this piece which identifies those areas. And what in my completion of this what it means.
Dr. Zimiga:So, the outcomes statement I have put in here is: Kingsley M. Bray draws from primary sources and other biographies to construct the tragic sequence of a childhood conflict, deception, and misjudgments that shaped the Lakota’s adulthood affairs and eventually led to Crazy Horse’s demise. Still what I see the problem is that in the writing Kingsley draws from a primary sources and other biographies to construct the tragic sequence of childhood conflict and deception and misjudgments. So what do these two different kinds of dialogue create? First the title, “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life”. They are two parallel cultures opposed to one another through cultural beliefs and practices. So what is the characters of that? The Lakota culture is based on the idea of a whole and sacred universe where life is a series of travels with a purpose. The Lakota communicate with the Creator of Everything and Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, who are somewhat equated with the Judeo-Christian God. The Lakota also honor Mother Earth and the White Buffalo Calf Woman, who brought them the Seven Sacred Rites. This is the paradox between Crazy Horse and the authors’ interpretations of Crazy Horse’s life before his birth and after his death in a generational transformation for the entire indigenous population in the Americas in the western hemisphere. All cultures are defined as the established beliefs, social norms, the customs and traditions of a group of people. This generational transformation was survival for a Lakota life.
Dr. Zimiga: And so what do we look at from the action that goes on? Imperialist practices and colonization through religious and foreign government edicts through conquest was demanded by royalty of these European nations. They sacrificed their citizens with political arrangement to maintain power and privilege. This was the same Judo-Christian theological bases for the conquest of America. Millions of human lives were sacrificed to fill the war chest coffers to expand their dictatorship and influence on the backs of Native people with broken promises and corruptive treaty agreements. Generation after generation of Native people had experienced the greed and exploitations by the hands of those who raced to see who could control and search for the great American El Dorado City made of gold. Gold is what corrupted the Lakota treaties for the colonizers would stampede to reach the gold fields of the west. The die had been set when the U.S. Army under Colonel Custer’s expedition in the Black Hills where gold was found. The Lakota treaties course of action had been determined and could not be changed by either side.
Dr. Zimiga:Where do we find ourselves in looking at Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life? We look a the period of time. The American Civil War financial cost from April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865 - The U.S. government debt was $64.8 million before the Civil War and grew steadily. The financial cost of the war totaling an estimated $5.2 billion. Poverty in cities, food shortage, and the African population was reduced to second class status with limited rights enforced through violence and discrimination. The U.S. Constitution decided in 1873 by the Supreme Court called the Slaughterhouse Cases, that citizen’s rights as protected by the Constitution were limited to what the Constitution spelled out and did not include state rights given by many individual states could provide business monopolies by the white privileged class. The Lakota and other American Indians were not considered citizens of the United States until 1924 because of the high enrollment of American Indians in World War I. The induction of Native American scouts was a common practice during the life of Crazy Horse as well as tribal police.
Dr. Zimiga:This is a continuation process that has been rewritten in this book (Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life) by Kingsley. Nothing has been done so far to look at the sequences of the story. And that’s what we were looking at today. This is the process you can look at we’re establishing for different sequences of this story that come from this book. Sequencing of the Kingsley M. Bray author of “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life” refers to the identification of the components of this story: the beginning, middle, and end. Sequencing is another way for the reader to sit down and see what is important. In review, Kingsley M. Bray has an open ended question the reader must have that subjects his references as not being bicultural but only one-sided inspirational preference. The research done on his book has not been critiqued by any others so this sequencing will be the first. You as the reader as well as participants, your comments are critical and will be recorded! The sequencing of events of “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life” is a key comprehension strategy, especially for conspiracy writing. “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life” becomes an orthodox storytelling which promotes scrutinizing and judging. The reader’s ability in this story places events or steps in logical order is insignificant across the story’s progression whether it’s identifying the steps for solving occurring cultural interpretation problems or the series of events that led to a turning point of past histories. It (the book) is means to helpful to the reader in jurying the book to understand they dynamic of both Lakota and American history. Its has been said, “That a person who does not know their history before their birth remains a perpetual child. How do you start a Lakota Life sequencing? Now! When? Now!” Write down your questions and opinions as we go through the various steps of this book called “Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life”
Anita (off camera): Ok, please send your questions, comments, and opinions to Prairie Edge’s bookstore at bookstore@prairieedge.com and Dr. Zimiga when we come back next month. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day.
Dr. Zimiga: Thank you. Doksa (see you later)!