The Northern Traditional Dancer Book

C. Scott Evans
Publication Details:
Crazy Crow Trading Post, Revised Edition 1998
Book Details:
Paperback, 48 pages
With an emphasis on the Lakota Sioux and presented in a narrative and photos, explore the history and dance style of Northern Traditional Dancers along with basic instructions for creating your own regalia.
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This how to guide presents photographs and the history of Northern Traditional Dancers and provides basic instructions for creating your own regalia. 

Presented in a narrative and photos, we explore the contemporary Northern Traditional Outfit and dance style (with an emphasis on the Lakota Sioux). The information included is intended as documentation of the traditional dance of this era (1980s and 1990s), but is not intended to be the final word on outfits and dance. It is meant simply to be a starting point for men who wish to dance "traditional". Learn about the history of the Northern Traditional Dancer - their Pow Wows and music - the articles worn by these dancers, and about their style dance. The booklet also includes a section on craft techniques for outfit construction and a how to guide for making the bustle, hairpipe breastplate, bandolier, otter sash, choker, otter breastplate, moccasins, anklets, bells, porcupine hair roach, roach spreader, staff.


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C. Scott Evans
Publication Details:
Crazy Crow Trading Post, Revised Edition 1998
Book Details:
Paperback, 48 pages
With an emphasis on the Lakota Sioux and presented in a narrative and photos, explore the history and dance style of Northern Traditional Dancers along with basic instructions for creating your own regalia.

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