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"Midday Meeting," watercolor ledger art painting by Native American artist, Mike Marshall.

Original Ledger Art: Midday Meeting

Mike Marshall of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe is a ledger artist who painted this piece entitled, "Midday Meeting". The scene of a meeting between a Native American man and woman both on horseback is a watercolor painting on a 1887 Adams County, Nebraska plat...
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"Leaving Home," watercolor ledger art painting by Mike Marshall (Rosebud Sioux Tribe)

Original Ledger Art: Leaving Home

"Leaving Home," is an original watercolor painting by Native American artist, Mike Marshall of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. The ledger painting is done on an 1887 Adams County, Nebraska plat book page and custom framed with conservation mats and glass...
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"Star Horse Mask," ledger art by Don Montileaux.

Original Ledger Art: Star Horse Mask

 "Star Horse Mask," is an original framed ledger drawing in colored pencil and ink on 1861 ledger paper by Oglala Lakota artist Don Montileaux. Dimensions: Frame: Width 15 | Height 13.25 (inches)Image: Width 8.5 | Height 6.75 (inches) All...
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Original ledger art, "Cheyenne Girls," by George Curtis Levi.

Original Ledger Art: Cheyenne Girls

The Cheyenne girls featured in this ledger painting by George Levi have the distinct red circles on their cheeks as is traditional for Cheyenne women.Watercolor and gouache on 1926 ledger paper. Dimensions: Frame: Width 19.5 | Height 14.75...
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"Strange Bull," original ledger drawing by Native American artist, Don Montileaux.

Original Ledger Art: Strange Bull

"Strange Bull," by Lakota ledger artist, Don Montileaux, is colored pencil and ink on a collage of antique ledger paper from the year 1900. Custom framing using conservation mats and UV protectant glass finishes the piece. Dimensions: Frame: Width...
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"Interconnected," ledger drawing by Lakota artist, Evans Flammond, Sr.

Original Ledger Art: Interconnected

Evans Flammond, Sr. (Rosebud Sioux) has an very unique style of drawing, creating detail with extremely intricate linework.  "Interconnected," is an original colored pencil and ink drawing on an antique Railroad Tax ledger page dated 1915...
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Native American ledger artist, Evans Flammond, Sr., rendered, "Chief," with extremely detailed line work.

Original Ledger Art: Chief

Lakota ledger artist, Evans Flammond, Sr., used colored pencil and ink to render this detailed image of a Native American chief on a sheet of ledger paper dated 1891. The art has been custom framed with conservation materials and UV glass...
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Original Native American Ledger Drawing by Donald F. Montileaux, "Buffalo Warriors."

Original Ledger Art: Buffalo Warriors

"Buffalo Warriors," is an original colored pencil and ink drawing on 1914 ledger paper by Oglala Sioux artist Donald F. Montileaux. Custom framed with conservation mats and glass. Dimensions: Frame: Width 23.75 | Height 29.5 (inches)Image: Width 17.75...
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Blue Head | Don Montileaux | limited edition ledger art print

Ledger Art Print: Blue Head

Donald F. Montileaux is a Native American artist who created the ledger image “Blue Head,” or “To Pa” in Lakota. According to the artist, “Warrior horses were trained for different tasks: Buffalo Horse—swift and sure...
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Spotted Elk | Don Montileaux | limited edition ledger art print

Ledger Art Print: Spotted Elk

“Spotted Elk” is a limited edition ledger art print which the artist, Don Montileaux says, “depicts a lone Lakota warrior going into battle on his favorite war pony.” The image is printed on a heavy 100% rag watercolor paper with...
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Counting Coup | Don Montileaux | limited edition ledger art print

Ledger Art Print: Counting Coup

Don Montileaux's colorful and dynamic ledger art print shows warriors 'counting coup,' a practice of Northern Plains Indians. Measurements: Width 22 | Height 14 (inches).All Measurements are approximate. ***Prints are shipped rolled. Please...
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More Than a Few | Don Montileaux | limited edition ledger art print

Ledger Art Print: More Than A Few

'More than a Few' is a limited edition print by Lakota Sioux artist Don Montileaux, depicting horses running across a ledger background. Measurements: Width 24.25 | Height 16.75 (inches).All Measurements are approximate. ***Prints are shipped rolled...
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Con.Fron.Ta.Tion | Don Montileaux | limited edition ledger art print

Ledger Art Print: Con.Fron.Ta.Tion

Native American ledger artist Don Montileaux created this limited edition print of Lakota warriors riding into battle against an unseen enemy. “Con.Fron.Ta.Tion” shows how the warriors used methods of concealing themselves behind their horses...
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