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The Other Side of Perfect

The Other Side of Perfect

Two kids, two worlds.  One unexpected friendship.  Cody is a smart kid - a survivor with a great sense of humor.  But Cody’s home life is a messy too-often terrifying story of neglect and abuse.  Autumn is from a wealthy...
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My People the Sioux (New Edition)

My People the Sioux (New Edition)

When it was first published in 1928, Luther Standing Bear’s autobiographical account of his tribe and tribesmen was hailed by Van Wyck Brooks as “one of the most engaging an veracious we have ever had.” It remains a landmark in Indian...
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Bea’s Bees (Children’s book)

Bea’s Bees (Children’s book)

Beatrix discovers a wild bumblebee nest on her way home from school and finds herself drawn to their busy world. When her bees mysteriously disappear, Bea hatches a plan to bring them back. Follow along with Bea as she uses her school library to learn...
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Glow: A Family Guide to the Night Sky

Glow: A Family Guide to the Night Sky

Glow: A Family Guide to the Night Sky is a lushly illustrated introduction to the wonders of the night sky, inviting young readers to explore stars, planets, and other celestial bodies and learn how to spot them. Get ready to explore the night sky!...
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Frostfire (children’s book)

Frostfire (children’s book)

On a walk through a snow-covered garden, big sister Miriam claims to hear the sound of a snow dragon. Little sister Celeste has lots of questions: snow dragons are real? Where do they hide? What do they eat? And is that frost on the greenhouse windows or...
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