Owóknage: The Story of Carry the Kettle Nakoda First Nation (book)

Jim Tanner, David Miller, Tracy Tanner, & Peggy Martin Maguire
Book Details:
paperback, 352 pages, 2022
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Born out of a meticulous, well-researched historical and current traditional land-use study led by Cega̔ K´iɳna Nakoda Oyáté (Carry the Kettle Nakoda First Nation), Owóknage is the first book to tell the definitive, comprehensive story of the Nakoda people (formerly known as the Assiniboine), in their own words. From pre-contact to current-day life, from thriving on the Great Plains to forced removal from their traditional, sacred lands in the Cypress Hills via a Canadian “Trail of Tears” starvation march to where they now currently reside south of Sintaluta, Saskatchewan, this is their story of resilience and resurgence.


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Jim Tanner, David Miller, Tracy Tanner, & Peggy Martin Maguire
Book Details:
paperback, 352 pages, 2022

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