The Water Walker: Children's Book

Joanne Robertson
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The determined story of an Ojibwe grandmother (nokomis), Josephine Mandamin, and her great love for nibi (water). Nokomis walks to raise awareness of our need to protect nibi for future generations and for all life on the planet.

The walks are full of challenges, and by her example she challenges us all to take up our responsibility to protect our water, the giver of life, and to protect our planet for all generations.

Review by Anita: This is a wonderful children’s book (ages 9 to 12) about a real person today. Ojibwe Grandmother Josephine Mandamin has been walking to pray and sing for Nibi (water). One day she realized how people were disrespecting the water, wasting it, making it unfit for life. How soon an ounce of water would cost more than gold and what was she going to do about it. Grandmother Josephine called the women together and formed MOTHER EARTH WATER WALKERS because if no one noticed the water maybe they would notice the walkers. Maybe someone else would help too. As a result, to raise awareness for water, Grandmother and the Mother Earth Walkers have walked all around the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. During one walk alone, Grandmother put almost 4,500,000 steps on her sneakers


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Joanne Robertson

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