The Lakota Way: Stories And Lessons For Living - Book

Joseph M. Marshall III
Publication Details:
Penguin Books; Reprint edition (October 29, 2002)
Book Details:
Paperback, 256 pages
Current stock: 0


Discover the timeless wisdom of the Lakota people. Rich with storytelling, history and folklore, THE LAKOTA WAY expresses the heart of Native American philosophy and imparts the path to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Joseph Marshall is a member of the Sicangu Lakota Sioux and has dedicated his entire life to practicing and teaching the wisdom he learned from his elders. Here he focuses on the twelve core qualities that are crucial to the Lakota way of living - bravery, fortitude, generosity, wisdom, respect, honor, perseverance, love, humility and compassion - and illustrates them with personal stories and archetypal Lakota tales. Whether teaching a lesson on respect imparted by the mythical Deer Woman or the humility embodied by the legendary Lakota leader Crazy Horse, THE LAKOTA WAY is a compelling and profound work that offers a fresh outlook on spirituality and ethical living.

Review by Brittany:
The Lakota Way blended the retelling of traditional virtue stories of the Lakota people in such a way that allowed the reader to relate in some capacity to their everyday lives. In addition, the book also made the reader reflect on their own life and the choices they make. It either solidified their own values and beliefs or it shed some new light on a new perspective that they never really thought about before.   As a result, The Lakota Way allowed the reader to appreciate the small things, the everyday deeds that could pose to be the foundations for a meaningful life. Essentially, what to take back from this book is that our thoughts and actions are like ripples in a pond in the sense that maybe we don’t initially see the effects. But, over time we ultimately see that we caused a change, a perpetual shift on our world’s axis. Therefore, after reading The Lakota Way, it implants in us the opportunity, the chance to look inside ourselves and decide what kind of person we want to be for generations to come.


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Additional Info

Joseph M. Marshall III
Publication Details:
Penguin Books; Reprint edition (October 29, 2002)
Book Details:
Paperback, 256 pages

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