Rare or Out of Print Books by John Baldwin Available

Exciting things come to those who wait! This is the case at Prairie Edge this week as we were able to purchase a limited number of the John Baldwin “Of the American Frontier” series. We acquired both the “Bows Arrows & Quivers” book as well as the “Red Pipes – Indian Smoking Pipes” book. The Bows and Arrows book was printed in 1999 and the Red Pipes book was printed in 2007.
Both books are full of hundreds of superb photographs. In bow, arrows and quivers there are photos and text that cover the entire country. This is the finest collection of information put together that I have ever seen. Any of the Baldwin books are extremely sought after and I have not been able to find any for the past twenty years. I am in constant search for a very select number of titles and the Baldwin books are always on the top of my list. The title that I have found on-line start at about $450. And go up from there. These books are the special finds that stay in peoples’ collections forever.
Red Pipes is just that, some of the most recognizable pipes and stems taken from American history. It is hard to image the detail of some of these pipe bowls and stems. Keeping in mind the limited access to tools at the time they were carved. It is simply amazing that these pieces were able to be created!
I believe that the John Baldwin American Frontier series contained seven titles, here is a wonderful opportunity to pick up two of the titles. I am fairly confident that these will be gone soon and I just do not see getting these again. I have not been this excited about a book find in a long time. I hope you get as much enjoyment from these in the years to come as I have.
Wopila (Thank You) for your time.