Pow Wow: What To Expect

A Pow Wow is a fun, family friendly event that is open to the public. Expect to see dancers dressed in beautiful regalia, to hear powerful drums, and to learn about cultures that span this continent we call home.
When you go to a Pow Wow, there are a few things to note.
First, the regalia is hand crafted and put together with the deepest respect for those who came before us. Each bead or embellishment is placed with purpose. These are not costumes, but rather a symbolic and real connection to our traditions.
Second, you will hear drummers and singers paying tribute to the men and women who bravely served our country. In this, we memorialize their ultimate sacrifice. You will enjoy dance competitions like the rabbit song, round dance songs, jingle dress songs, men’s fancy dance songs, chicken dance songs and intertribal songs. There are even songs and dances for children. Each dancer is required to respect the dance circle, the drums, the elders, and their families. They honor us by carrying on the traditions of the People.
Third, you will learn about several distinct and intersecting cultures. Some of the larger Pow Wows showcase special guests like the Aztec Dancers or Hawai’i Dancers. Expect to be surrounded by many amazing cultures.
If you are interested in experiencing the beauty and power of the Native American culture first hand, we encourage you to attend. Come with an open mind and a respectful heart and you will understand the importance of the Pow Wow.
P.S. If you are a first time goer, we’ve created a 2019 Pow Wow season etiquette post to keep you up to date on the do’s and don’ts.
See you at the Pow Wow.