CD - Skan Skan - Lakota Sacred Songs (vol. 2)

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From White River, South Dakota, this CD further enhances the songs of volume 1.

There is a booklet included that has the songs in Lakota and in English. Album includes: 1. Cannupa Opagi Olowan 2. Tatuya Topa Olowan - Four Directions Song 3. Wakan Wica Gahapi Olowan - Initiation Into Medicine Song. 4. Wanagi Olowan - Ghost Calling Song 5. Mato Olowan - Bear Song 6. Mato Olowan - Wapiye Olowan - An Appeal To the Bear For Doctoring. 7. Wapiye Olowan - Wanagi Olowan - doctoring song - Ghost Calling Song. 8. Woglaka - Sunkmanitu Olowan - Talking-Coyote Song. 9. Woglaka Olowan - Talking Song 10. Mato Olowan - Bear Song 11. Wapiye Olowan - Doctoring Song 12. Wiwang Wacipi Olowan - Sundance Song


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