Book - Lakota Society

James R. Walker (Author), Raymond J. DeMallie (Editor)
Publication Details:
Bison Books; Reprint edition (February 1, 1992)
Book Details:
Paperback, 243 pages
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As agency physician on the Pine Ridge Reservation from 1896-1914, Dr. Walker recorded a wealth of information on the traditional lifeways of the Oglala Sioux. This book presents the primary accounts of his informants and his syntheses dealing with the organization of camp and bands, kinship systems, beliefs, ceremonies, hunting, warfare and methods of measuring time.

In three parts, Walker covers important sources for historical beliefs of the Lakota such as "The Camp Circle", "Akicita", original Lakota government, style of dress, Oglala kinship, the Sun Dance and more. This important addition to a collection of must read volumes will give the reader a "historical" perspective written during a time of great change for the Plains Indians.


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Additional Info

James R. Walker (Author), Raymond J. DeMallie (Editor)
Publication Details:
Bison Books; Reprint edition (February 1, 1992)
Book Details:
Paperback, 243 pages

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